The mods have provided an extensive FAQ to address as many possible concerns as we can. If nothing here addresses your concerns, feel free to reach out to us in the server in the QnA channel!

  • Am I allowed to draw or commission art of my character instead of using the Meiker?

    Yes. Just please make sure to follow these guidelines:

    - Use natural hair, eye, and skin colours.
    - Use the given uniforms for your character. Your character is not allowed to modify their uniform.
    - The character's hair must be, at minimum, shoulder length. The character is allowed to have their hair in an updo.
    - The character must believably appear to be at least 18 years old. A cutesy art style is not an excuse.

  • Am I required to know how to draw to join this group?

    Not at all! We are more interested in your writing and character-building than your art. No events will require you to submit art of any kind.

  • I don’t speak Japanese, do I need to include kanji for my character’s name?

    Your application will not be rejected for lacking kanji and it is not a necessity. If you want to include them, you’re always welcome to ask the mods or another applicant who speaks Japanese!

  • How strict are IRK’s reading & writing requirements?

    We are looking for applicants who have experience with roleplaying in a moderate or advanced literature style, and are comfortable reading lore in bulk. Preferably, applicants should be comfortable with asking for further elaboration in the Q&A when something is unclear to them.

  • Why are player characters not allowed to have short hair?

    Long hair is considered a sign of virile growth and strength, a blessing of a healthy life. It is very rare for practitioners of Onmyodo to have short hair, as hair is said to be full of Nigi energy, which wards off ayakashi from preying on one’s mind when asleep.

    The rule also functions as an opposition to Industrialism. Short hair is mainly enjoyed by the working class and is heavily advertised as the image of a modern Ashihara by industries. The act of haircutting is marketed as stylish and progressive, as well as required in many professions such as factory workers, doctors and nurses and others.

  • What is the average height my character is allowed to be?

    The average height in Ashihara is between 1,55 m and 1,70m. Characters are not allowed to be shorter than 1,55 m.

  • What sort of casual attire is my character allowed to wear?

    The Isshin Renritsu Kubun provides Renritsuin with several sets of uniforms and prohibits them from wearing manufactured clothing. Characters must wear their uniforms at all times except for bedtime or bathtime. Sleepwear is also provided to Renritsuin.

  • Is my character allowed to own a pet?

    Unfortunately, no. The lodgings provided by IRK and the San-meike do not account for pets and your character would have had to leave them with their family or the like.

  • Who did IRK recruit before player characters?

    Predominantly, reputed Onmyoji who work for the San-meike and other Jinke who were licensed by the Onmyoryo. Investigations done by Nakatsukasasho showed that these Onmyoji were largely out of touch with ordinary citizens and civil concerns. Currently, IRK recruits working-class Onmyoji that fit their criteria.

  • What are some examples of characters having previous experience with Onmyodo?

    They could hail from a clan of established Onmyoji or have followed an apprenticeship under one.

  • Am I allowed to make planned relationships or familial relations with other applicants?

    No. The mod team cannot guarantee both of your applications will fit our requirements, when characters have connected histories we would have to accept or decline both. Upon being accepted into the group, characters might have heard of each other’s clan or lineage in passing depending on their reputations. There are only so many Onmyoji in Ashihara.

  • Is my character allowed to be married, engaged or presently in a relationship?

    No, characters must have no obligations to their family upon joining the IRK and IRK workers are not allowed to fraternise with or court each other. The consequences of the latter are in-character only and mods will not restrict members from developing relationships with other characters as they wish!

  • How cut-off is my OC from their family?

    Common households do not have a landline phone or access to a radio computer, so that will depend on how far away their family lives from the IRK lodgings and capitals. Player characters are allowed to keep in touch with their former household for personal affairs. They can no longer observe any traditions, prayers, ceremonies or Onmyodo from their home.

  • Is my character allowed to hail from a noble clan or have ancestors from one?

    Yes! Applicants are allowed to make a character that hails from an original clan or pick from the provided clan list. Keep in mind that a clan’s downfall from nobility is a more common story than a clan rising to nobility, especially as the government was reformed. If you have any questions, feel free to consult the Q&A or open a ticket with the admins.

  • Is my character allowed to dye their hair or wear make-up?

    Hair dye is the non-permanent kind that will wear off after a wash, and bright synthetic colours that are safe for use have not yet been invented! Renritsuin are permitted to use black or brown pigment only to dye greying hairs, and make-up is limited to powder, painted eyebrows and lip paint.

  • Is my character allowed to modify the uniform?

    Characters are allowed to wear accessories like scarves and shawls on top of the uniform, wear gloves, modified footwear and hats. IRK’s kamon must be visible at all times, and the cut and measurements of the uniform may not be adjusted.

  • Can my character have tattoos?

    No, tattoos are a mark of criminal organisations and are not permitted inside the IRK.

  • Is my character allowed to have been involved in criminal organisations or vigilante clans?

    They are allowed to have history pertaining to either, but may not be directly involved as of the present day. Please keep in mind that in order to join the IRK, all characters still need to be somewhat competent Onmyoji.

  • Is my character allowed to be promiscuous?

    No. Harassment in any shape or form, whether it be flirtation or being under the influence of any substance is prohibited by the IRK and will terminate your character’s service.

  • Can my character be illiterate or uneducated?

    Characters need to be able to read, write, and understand the fundamental philosophy of Onmyodo to be able to join IRK.

  • If I make a character that uses prosthetics, will the Omamori count towards my item total?

    No, the Omamori does nothing more than make the prosthetic insusceptible to kegare and breaking. We consider it unfair to penalise members who want to make characters with impaired mobility.

  • Are we allowed to make deaf, blind or mute characters?

    No. Characters need to be able to recite incantations and accurately identify ayakashi, some of which are sound-based or make no sound at all.

  • Can my character hail from overseas?

    No. Ships that can withstand long-distance seafaring have not yet been invented, and neither have aircrafts or satellites.

  • Can I make a character that hails from the Northern regions or has ancestry there?

    As of now, no. We’d prefer if applicants pick from any of the other 123 prefectures for their first character.

  • Does joining the IRK clear someone of all their debt?

    The San-meike may be convinced to waive a sum of your character’s debt if they can establish themselves as a highly competent Onmyoji. This is largely arbitrary and based on how you portray your character in your bio, if they are in debt this may affect how mods evaluate your application!

  • Can the mods tell me more about X plot point?

    Unless the plot point is relevant to your character’s history, no. The mod team hopes that accepted members will have fun connecting the dots themselves over the course of IRK’s timeline.

  • Is there discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender or race in Ashihara?

    Discrimination is mainly limited to a character’s socioeconomic status, political alignment and wealth, as well as their clan’s (if their lineage is documented) involvement during the 300-year war. For the creative liberty and comfort of the mod team and all applicants, there is no segregation between classes based on race, sexual orientation or gender.

  • What is the spoken language in Ashihara?

    Only an arbitrary, fictitious form of Japanese that largely uses Kun’yomi, though the mods do their best to follow rendaku and compound rules. Any dialects are determined by the prefecture, and applicants are free to depict these dialects as they see fit. All characters must have Japanese or Japanese-sounding names. RP is done in English, and any Japanese terms used in which there are no direct English terms are listed in the glossary.

  • What do the mods mean by an ‘arbitrary’ language?

    Places, names and terms in Ashihara are all decided by a figure in verse. Just like in real life, the way these words are pronounced and written depends on the person who created them. We decided to name things this way for immersion, even if it won’t make much sense linguistically.

  • Is Ashihara on Earth?

    Ashihara is located in a fictional, folkloric world named Utsushiyo. Ashihara is known as the domain of earth and is surrounded by a vast ocean, named the domain of water, O-una-bara.

  • How do we refer to Ashihara?

    The most commonly accepted term is domain or realm. The inhabitants of Ashihara are largely unaware of the concept of a globe, country, or continent since to their knowledge there are none. They only know of established regions and empires in a political context.

  • Why is seafaring so difficult?

    Utsushiyo has three moons, which makes a ridiculously large ocean more challenging and unsafe to navigate! What little ships return from ventures outside of known landmasses are scraps of wrecks that wash up on the shores.

  • How advanced is technology in Ashihara?

    It is comparable to the period between the 1870s and the 1920s. Most machinery has been around for at least ~60-100 years and sees rapid advancements by the year. Ashihara has an expansive railway system and fledgling radio-computers, as well as preliminary landline phones.

  • What sort of animals can be found in Ashihara?

    The standard animals you can expect in Japan, with an exception of the ones that are actually ayakashi. There are no hybrid animals or pokemon-like creatures.

  • Is there any fantasy plant life?

    No, all the plants are regular real-world plants. The most fantasy a plant can get is if it's actually an ayakashi.

  • What is the difference between Ayakashi and Yokai?

    Ayakashi is a term for ‘unpure’ spirits that regularly occur in nature. Yokai is a term for spirits that exist because of, or for, a specific purpose. Both terms are used to explain phenomena that do not ‘naturally’ occur in the world by the standards of the Go-dai or Kami.

  • Are there any distinct ethnicities in Ashihara, what do they look like and do they have any distinct customs?

    ‘Unification’ efforts during and after the 300-year war have made it so that the overall culture and traditions of Ashihara are rather streamlined. As of the present day, there are only four ‘distinct’ ethnicities in mainland Ashihara (See world lore for more about these ethnicities and their culture!).

  • Are applicants allowed to create original ethnic groups within Ashihara?

    We would prefer if applicants stick to the provided lore as a guideline to create their characters. We may accept supplementary world lore and ethnicities from members at a later time, though!

  • Can my character be a runaway heir from their clan?

    No, the IRK is an arm of the government and is at liberty to report your character to the authorities. Culture in Ashihara makes it difficult for a supposed heir to 'disappear'.

  • What do people in Ashihara usually wear?

    Clothing paints a sharp image of class separation and ideological polarisation amongst commoners. The working class of Ashihara prefers slender-framed, simplistic and cheap buttoned blouses, slacks and coats. Browns, reds, greens and whites are the most predominant dyes as they are affordable. Those of wealthy standing can be seen wearing dyes and fabric that are significantly more expensive; thick overcoats dyed in rich colours like purple and blue. Some may sport additions like pelts, scarves and hats, or enjoy sleeves modified with lace or frills.

    The traditional hitoe with a trailing tail, long straightened hair and blackened teeth is a rare find outside of the traditionalist corners of the aristocracy. Most kimono worn by commoners are of poor quality and manufactured in bulk for cheap, as traditional hand-made kimono have become expensive.

    These ‘modern’ kimono can be distinguished by dyes depicting simple linework, floral designs and grass patterns on a bright monochrome palette. This is in stark contrast to the more grandiose style of the traditional kimono which features deep palace-style dyes, and ornate designs, depicting birds and other animals, celestial bodies, trees and waterfalls; a style which references the clan’s individuality and history.

    Spotting a priest or onmyoji on the streets is quite easy, as they are the only ones who still wear full ceremonial garments, such as kariginu, hakama and hakui, as their everyday attire.

  • Are there pleasure districts in Ashihara and can Renritsuin visit?

    There are indeed certain pleasure districts, though they are illegal and difficult to find. The IRK advises Renritsuin against visiting unless absolutely necessary, as this may negatively impact their reputation. All consequences are IC only, all the mods ask from members is that no explicit NSFW is roleplayed.

  • What is the bathing culture like in Ashihara?

    Public bathhouses, sentō, are a normal part of the day for the common folk. Sentō are local establishments meant to serve practical hygiene needs as regular homes do not usually come with baths unless the house was built for a very wealthy family.

    Onsen are natural hot springs that are built near the mountainous areas of Ashihara, known for natural warm water and minerals that are good for the body. They are not typically visited by the common citizen unless it’s for vacationing purposes, wealthy families may frequent them, or even own one.